Thursday, June 11, 2009

Airlines are adding additional rows of seats to the new models of 737s to increase the number of passengers they can carry. As legroom shrinks will we see the same sort of frenzy to charge taller passengers extra for encroaching into shorter people's legroom as we've seen directed at fat passengers?

Yeah, I just bet we will.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So, we've got a web article that explains how long you'd have to exercise in order to "burn off" different foods from chain restaurants.

A donut? 59 minutes of walking

An egg McMuffin? 32 minutes of running.

A chocolate chip cookie? 62 minutes of biking.

How can this be presented as anything other than wild comedy? An hour of walking in order to justify eating a donut? or of biking in order to eat a cookie? What this article is claiming is that if you ever eat a tasty fast food treat you'll need to exercise for an unreasonable amount of time or else it will make you OMG fat! And let's not even deal with the overly simplistic calories-in-calories-out calculus.

I can so easily see most people who haven't been exposed to Health at Every Size or Fat Acceptance reading this article and coming to the conclusion that it's never worth it to eat a donut, or a cookie.

What a sad, screwed up thought.