Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Cheapest Home Security System Ever

For all that I complain about the place where I live, it cools off nicely at night. Most nights I can open the windows and turn off the air conditioner, enjoying the resulting silence and saving a few bucks on electricity.

But I worried about sleeping with the windows open. What if someone broke in?

So I've put a bunch of cookie tins on the floor below the windows, with their lids askew. If anyone comes in they'll make such a racket that I'll wake up. Then I can yell for my non-existent husband, or threaten that I'll come after them with my non-existent gun, or call 911 for real, because thanks to my previous weird job I can dial 911 FAST.

A bunch of cookie tins: The cheapest home security system ever.

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